
Deutsche Telekom MMS improves Web3 data access via Subsquid partnership

In a strategic move aimed at bolstering the capabilities of decentralized data infrastructure, German IT services and consulting firm Deutsche Telekom MMS has entered into a partnership with Subsquid. The partnership, announced on July 3 and reported by Finbold, sees Deutsche Telekom MMS operating dedicated worker nodes to enhance Subsquid’s decentralized data lake. By integrating its enterprise-grade infrastructure, Deutsche Telekom MMS will contribute to the resiliency and scalability of Subsquid’s network.

The worker nodes play a critical role in processing queries and efficiently delivering data from the data lake to end users, including indexers. This functionality is crucial to the operational efficiency of Subsquid’s network, which provides a modular and decentralized data platform designed specifically for Web3 developers. This platform facilitates access to essential blockchain data and addresses one of the key challenges in the Web3 ecosystem.

Addressing Web3 Data Retrieval Challenges

Data lakes serve as repositories for raw, unformatted data that companies can format as needed. The involvement of Deutsche Telekom MMS, with its worker nodes activated earlier this summer, represents a significant enhancement to this ecosystem. Web3 developers often face challenges retrieving data across different blockchain formats and entry points. Traditional solutions, such as centralized APIs or direct RPC nodes, often have drawbacks such as high costs, slow retrieval times, and security vulnerabilities.

In contrast, worker nodes within Subsquid’s data lake store data in its raw form, allowing for seamless and adaptive access. During the testnet phase, the network saw the deployment of over 60,000 indexers, in addition to over 700 worker nodes and 536 terabytes of stored data.

The Impact of Decentralized Data Lake Technology

Dirk Röder, who leads Web3 Infrastructure and Solutions at Deutsche Telekom MMS, emphasized the transformative nature of Subsquid’s data lake architecture. Röder noted that Subsquid’s network significantly improves the accessibility and usability of blockchain data, giving developers and users instant access to critical information. He emphasized that Deutsche Telekom MMS’s enterprise-grade infrastructure enhances the security and scalability of Subsquid’s network, and provides a robust foundation for its decentralized data lake technology.

Marcel Fohrmann, co-founder of Subsquid, shared similar sentiments, emphasizing that this partnership not only strengthens Subsquid’s network, but also has broader implications for the blockchain technology landscape. Fohrmann pointed out that the partnership with Deutsche Telekom MMS brings substantial improvements to the overall resilience and functionality of their decentralized data infrastructure.

This partnership marks a significant step forward in the evolution of Web3, providing developers with more efficient and secure ways to access blockchain data. By leveraging enterprise-grade infrastructure, Subsquid and Deutsche Telekom MMS are setting a new standard for decentralized data solutions, ensuring that data retrieval in the Web3 space is both reliable and scalable.